Links To Useful Resources
- Anxiety Disorders Association of America
- Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
- Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
- FaceTheIssue.com – Anorexia
- FaceTheIssue.com – Bulimia
- FaceTheIssue.com – Self Esteem
- National Center for PTSD
- National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence
- National Institute of Mental Health
- International OCD Foundation
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Trichotillomania Learning Center
Recommended Workbooks
- Abramowitz, J. S. (2009), Getting Over OCD
- Antony, M. M., Swinson, R. P. (2008), The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook
- Bourne, E. J. (1990), The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook
- Fitzgibbons, L., Pedrick, C., Helping Your Child With OCD
- Hayes, S. C. (2005), Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life
- Hope, Heimberg, Juster, Turk (2000), Managing Social Anxiety
- Hyman, B., Pedrick, C. (2005), The OCD Workbook – 2nd Edition
- McKay, M., Davis, M., Fanning, P. (1997), Thoughts and Feelings: Taking Control of Your Moods and Your Life
- McKay, M., Wood, J. C., Brantley, J., The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook
- Marra, T. (2004), Depressed and Anxious: The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Workbook for Overcoming Depression and Anxiety
- Price, P, (2004), The Cyclothymia Workbook: Learn How to Manage Your Mood Swings & Lead a Balanced Life
- Schiraldi, G. R. (2001), The Self-Esteem Workbook
- Strosahl, K., Robinson, P., Mindfulness & Acceptance: Workbook for Depression
- William, M. B., Soili, P. (2002), The PTSD Workbook
- Zuecher-White, E. (1998), An End to Panic
Recommended Reading
- Allen, D., Getting Things Done
- Baer, L., The Imp of the Mind
- Beck, A. T., (1988) Love is Never Enough
- Bell, J., (2007) Rewind, Replay, Repeat
- Brach, T., Radical Acceptance
- Brantley, J. (2007) Calming the Anxious Mind
- Burns, D., Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
- Burns, D., Feeling Good Handbook
- Burns, D., (2006) When Panic Attacks
- Clark, L., (1985) SOS! Help for Parents
- Clyatt, B., Work Less, Live More
- Dweck, C., Mindset
- Foa, E., Wilson, R.(2001) STOP Obsessing!
- Follette, Pistorello, Finding Life Beyond Trauma
- Gottman, J., The Relationship Cure
- Grayson, J. (2003) Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Harris, R., Happiness Trap (ACT)
- Herrigel, E. (1953) Zen and the Art of Archery – For Performers
- Kabat-Zinn, J. C., Williams, Teasdale, W., Mindful Way Through Depression
- LeJeune, C., The Worry Trap
- McKay, M., Rogers, P., & McKay, J. (1989) When Anger Hurts: Quieting the Storm Within
- McQuade, J., Peaceful Mind
- Markman, H., Stanley, S., & Blumberg, S. (2001) Fighting for Your Marriage
- Meyers, R. J. (2003) Get Your Loved Ones Sober
- Miklowitz, D. J., The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide
- Padesky, C., Mind Over Mood
- Tompkins, M., Martinez, K., My Anxious Mind – For Teens
- Werner, K., (1996) Effortless Mastery – For Performance Anxiety
- Wilson, R. (1986) Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks

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